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M.Z. Naser, PhD, PE

Please note that a complete list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar, Scopus, and ResearchGate profiles.
Total number of documents: 210
Number of peer-reviewed journal articles: 158
Number of peer-reviewed conference papers: 33                                                   
Number of books: 6
Number of book chapters: 10
Number of standards/design manuals: 4

Refereed Journal Articles [orange: denotes a CU student]          

J(158). Naser M.Z. (2024). Integrating Machine Learning Models to Building Codes and Standards: Establishing Equivalence through Engineering Intuition and Causal Logic. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering[Pre-print draft] 

J(157). Naser A., Naser M.Z. (2025). SPINEX-TimeSeries: Similarity-based predictions with explainable neighbors exploration for time series and forecasting problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering[Pre-print draft[Algorithm] [Playbook]

J(156). Naser M.Z., Ross B., Ogle J., Kodur V., Hawileeh R., Abdalla J., Thai T. (2024). "Evaluating the Performance of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots and Large Language Models in the FE and PE Structural Exams." ASCE Journal of Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. [Pre-print draft]  


J(155). Naser M.Z. (2024). Causality and causal inference for engineers: Beyond correlation, regression, prediction and artificial intelligence. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Access)   â€‹

J(154). Naser M.Z. (2024). “Causal diagrams for civil and structural engineers.” Structures.[Pre-print draft]  â€‹

J(153). Naser M.Z. (2024). Discovering causal models for structural, construction and defense-related engineering phenomena. Defence Technology Access)   

​​J(152). Hostetter H., Naser M.Z., Huang X., Gales J. (2024). “The role of large language models (AI chatbots) in fire engineering: An examination of technical questions against domain knowledge..” Natural Hazards Research. Access) 

​J(151). Abdalla J., Naser M.Z., Alogla S., Ghasemi A., Naser A. (2024). “Evaluation and Benchmarking of Performance of Machine Learning and Symbolic Regression: Datasets, Software Tools and Prediction Models.” ES General


J(150). Naser M.Z. (2024). “Simplifying Causality: A Brief Review of Philosophical Views and Definitions with Examples from Economics, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Policy, and Physics.” She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation. Access)   

​J(149). Ross B., Tarawneh A., Naser M.Z., Ferche A., Diab A., Craig D. (2024). Comparison of recent shear capacity models with experimental and simulation databases of prestressed ultra-high-performance concrete beams. PCI Journal.

​J(148). Jafari, A., Shahmansouri A., Bengar H., Naser M.Z.  (2024). Post-heating flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced SCC beams strengthened with NSM-CFRP strips: Experimentation and analytical modeling. Construction and Building Materials.​​

J(147). Zhou H., Li H., Chen X., Chen Z., Naser M.Z., (2024). “Local buckling of the bottom flange in steel-concrete composite beams with trapezoidal corrugated webs subjected to end restraint at high temperatures”. Structures.

​J(146). Naser M.Z., Al-Bashiti M., Naser A.Z. (2024). SPINEX: Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration for Regression and Classification. Applied Soft Computing[Pre-print draft]  


​J(145). Al-Bashiti M., Naser M.Z. (2024). “ A sensitivity analysis of machine learning models  on fire-induced spalling of concrete: Revealing the impact of data manipulation on accuracy and explainability.” Computers and Concrete.[Pre-print draft]  

​J(144). Bhatt P., Sharma N., Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., (2024). Machine learning approach for predicting fire resistance of FRP-strengthened concrete beams. Structural Concrete Access)

J(143). Sajitha P., Andrushia D., Anand N., Naser M.Z., Lubloy E. (2024). A deep learning approach to detect diseases in pomegranate fruits via hybrid optimal attention capsule network. Ecological Informatics.

​​J(142). Madurapperumage A., Naser M.Z., Boatwright L., Bridges W., Vandemark G., Thavarajah D., (2024). High-throughput phenotyping platforms for pulse crop biofortification. Plants People Planet. (Open Access)

​​J(141). Sam S., Anand N., Naser M.Z. (2024). Flexural behavior of cold-formed mild steel beams with web holes exposed to high temperature: analytical and experimental investigation. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions.​


J(140). Karaki G, Hawileh R, Naser M.Z.  (2024). Impact of the variability of material constitutive models on the thermal response of reinforced concrete walls. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering.

J(139).  WiÅ›niewska P., Movahedifar E., Formela K., Naser M.Z., Vahabi H., Saeb M. (2024). “The chemistry, properties and performance of flame-retardant rubber composites: Collecting, analyzing, categorizing, machine learning modeling, and visualizing”. Composites Science and Technology

J(138).  Raj S., Arulraj P., Anand N., Kanagaraj B., Naser M.Z., Lubby E. (2024). A Comprehensive Study on Engineering and Sustainability characteristics with Emphasising on 3R’s Approach in Building Construction. Heliyon Access)

J(137). Sajitha P., Andrushia, D.. Anand N., Naser M.Z. (2024). A Review on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Image-based Plant Disease Classification for Industrial Farming Systems. Journal of Industrial Information Integration.

​J(136). Kodur V.K.R., Gil A., Naser M.Z. (2024). “Fire-induced collapse of an I-95 overpass in Philadelphia: Causes, collapse mechanism, and mitigation strategies.” Engineering Structures.


J(135). Hawileh R, Assad M., Abdalla A., Naser M.Z. (2024). “Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beams Externally Bonded with PET-FRP Laminates.” Computers and Concrete

J(134). Naser M.Z.,  AlOgla S., Anand N., Zhou H., Zhang G. (2024). Conversing with AI Chatbots: Examining What OpenAI ChatGPT-4, Microsoft Bing Chatbot, and Google Bard Know, Would like to know, Think They Know, and Do not Know About Engineering. J. Umm Al-Qura Univ. Eng.Archit. (Open Access) 

J(133).  Bhatt P., Kodur V., Naser M.Z. (2024). Dataset on fire resistance analysis of FRP-strengthened concrete beams. Data in Brief[Dataset and input files] (Open Access)

J(132). Hostetter H., Naser M.Z. (2024). “Characterizing egress components for wheelchair users in dormitory building fires.” Natural Hazards Research. Access) 

J(131). Hostetter H., Naser M.Z., Randall K., Murray-Tuite P. (2024). Evacuation preparedness and intellectual disability: Insights from a university fire drill. Journal of Building Engineering[Pre-print draft] 


J(130). ÇiftçioÄŸlu A., Naser M.Z. (2024). “Identifying and estimating causal effects of bridge failures from observational data.” Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience. Access) 

J(129). ÇiftçioÄŸlu A, Naser M.Z. (2024). “Fire Resistance Evaluation through Synthetic Fire Tests and Generative Adversarial Networks”. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. (Open Access)

J(128). Andrushia A.D., Anand N., Lublóy E., Naser M.Z., Kanagaraj B. (2024). “SEM Image-based Porosity Analysis of Fire Damaged High Strength Concrete.” Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering Access)

J(127). Naser M.Z., Tapeh A. (2023). “Causality, causal discovery, causal inference and counterfactuals in Civil Engineering: Causal machine learning and case studies for knowledge discovery.” Computers and Concrete. Access)

J(126). Naser M.Z., ÇiftçioÄŸlu A. (2023). “Causal Discovery and Inference for Evaluating Fire Resistance of Structural Members through Causal Learning and Domain Knowledge.” Structural Concrete. Access)   


J(125). Naser M.Z., ÇiftçioÄŸlu A. (2023). “Revisiting Forgotten Fire Tests: Causal Inference and Counterfactuals for Learning Idealized Fire-induced Response of RC Columns.” Fire Technology.[Pre-print draft] 

J(124). Hostetter H., Naser M.Z. (2023). Architectural and Structural Engineering of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Mental Health Institutions and Psychiatric Hospitals with Respect to Fire Causes and Mitigation Strategies. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering.[Pre-print draft] 

J(123). Al-Bashiti M., Naser M.Z. (2023). "What can we learn from over 1000 tests on fire-induced spalling of concrete? A statistical investigation of critical factors and unexplored research space”. Construction and Building Materials. [Pre-print draft]  

J(122). Qin Z., Naser M.Z. (2023). "Machine Learning and Model Driven Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Suspended Nonstructural Systems”. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. [Pre-print draft]  

J(121). Craig D., Naser M.Z. (2023). “A Primer and Success Stories on Performance-based Fire Design of Structures.” Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. [Pre-print draft]



J(120). Hawileh R, Quadri S., Abdalla J., Assad M., Thomas B., Craig D., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Residual Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete at Elevated Temperatures.” Fire and Materials Access)

J(119). Ghasemi A., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Tailoring 3D printed concrete through explainable artificial intelligence.” Structures[Pre-print draft] [dataset]

J(118). â€‹Bolick M., M., Post C., Naser M.Z., Forghanparast, F. Mikhailova E. (2023). “Evaluating Urban Stream Flooding with Machine Learning, LiDAR, and 3D Modeling.” Water. Access)

J(117). Bolick M., M., Post, C., Naser M.Z., Mikhailova E. (2023). “Comparison of machine learning algorithms to predict dissolved oxygen in an urban stream.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
J(116). Naser M.Z., (2023). “Machine learning for all! Benchmarking automated, explainable, and coding-free platforms on civil and environmental engineering problems.” Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience. Access) One of the most downloaded and most popular articles in the Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience in 2023.


J(115). Zhou H., Wang Z., Naser M.Z., Zheng Z. (2023). “Large scale fire resistance tests of prestressed continuous steel–concrete composite beams to evaluate the effects of geometric imperfections.” Thin-Walled Structures.

J(114). Tarawneh A., Saleh E., Alghossoon A., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Proposed One-Way Shear Design Model For FRP-RC Members: Evaluated And Reliably Calibrated.” Engineering Structures.

J(113). Guzmán-Torres J., Domínguez-Mota F., Martínez-Molina W.,  Naser M.Z., Tinoco-Guerrero G., Tinoco-Ruíz J. (2023). Damage Detection on Steel-Reinforced Concrete Produced by Corrosion via YOLOv3; A detailed guide. Frontiers in Built Environment Access)

J(112). Naser M.Z. (2023). “Do We Need Exotic Models? Engineering Metrics to Enable Green Machine Learning from Tackling Accuracy-Energy Trade-offs.” Journal of Cleaner Production. [Pre-print draft] 

J(111). Tapeh A., Al-Bashiti M., Ghasemi A., Hostetter H., Qin W., Naser M.Z.  (2023). Simple Visual Aids for Predicting Fire Response of RC Columns: Nomograms via Machine Learning. Emirati Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications. DOI: 10.54878//EJCEA.109. (Open Access)


J(110). Kazemi R., Naser M.Z. (2023). Towards sustainable use of foundry by-products: Evaluating the compressive strength of green concrete containing waste foundry sand using hybrid biogeography-based optimization with artificial neural networks. Journal of Building Engineering.

J(109). Zhou H., Li H., Qin H., Ling T., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Examining fire response of unilaterally concrete-reinforced web prestressed composite beams with corrugated webs.” Engineering Structures.[Pre-print draft]

J(108). Bouzaiadi F., Haddi A., Tahenni T., Boulekbache B., Hamrat M., Naser M.Z., Amzaine S. (2023). “Development of a local bond shear stress-slip model of RC beams externally strengthened with FRP materials”. Journal of Composite Materials.

J(107). Assad M., Hawileeh R., Karaki G., Abdalla J., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Assessment of critical parameters affecting the behaviour of bearing reinforced concrete walls under fire exposure.” Journal of Structural Fire Engineering​

J(106). Kanagaraj B., Anand N., Andrushia D., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Recent developments of radiation shielding concrete in nuclear and radioactive waste storage facilities – A state of the art review.” Construction and Building Materials. [Pre-print draft] 


J(105). Karaki G., Naser M.Z. (2023). “An approach for developing probabilistic models for temperature-dependent properties of construction materials from fire tests and small data.” Fire and Materials. [Pre-print draft] [code included in Appendix A]

J(104). Naser M.Z. (2022). Causality in Structural Engineering: Discovering New Knowledge by Tying Induction and Deduction via Mapping Functions and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence. AI in Civil Engineering. Access)

J(103). Al-Bashiti M., Naser M.Z. (2022). Machine Learning for Wildfire Classification: Exploring Blackbox, eXplainable, Symbolic, and SMOTE Methods. Natural Hazards Research.[Pre-print draft][code] (Open Access) One of the most downloaded articles in Natural Hazards Research in 2022.

J(102). Al-Bashiti M., Naser M.Z. (2022). Verifying Domain Knowledge and Theories on Fire-induced Spalling of Concrete through eXplainable Artificial Intelligence. Construction and Building Materials.[Pre-print draft] [code]

J(101). Tapeh A., Naser M.Z. (2022). Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in Structural Engineering: A Scientometrics Review of Trends and Best Practices. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.[Pre-print draft]


J(100). Tapeh A., Naser M.Z. (2022). Discovering Graphical Heuristics on Fire-induced Spalling of Concrete through eXplainable Artificial Intelligence. Fire Technology.[Pre-print draft]

J(99). Hostetter H., Naser M.Z., Hawileh, R.A. Karaki, G., Zhou, H. (2022). Enhancing fire resistance of reinforced concrete beams through sacrificial reinforcement. Architecture, Structures and Construction. Access)

J(98). Naser M.Z. (2022). “Digital Twin for Next Gen Concretes: On-demand Tuning of Vulnerable Mixtures through Explainable and Anomalous Machine Learning.” Cement and Concrete Composites.[Pre-print draft]

J(97). Naser M.Z. (2022). "CLEMSON: An Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) Virtual Assistant for Accelerated, Simulation-free, Transparent, Reduced-order and Inference-based Reconstruction of Fire Response of Structural Members.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering.[Pre-print draft]

J(96). Daware A., Peerzada A., Naser M.Z., Rangaraju P., Butman B. (2022). “Examining the Behavior of Concrete Masonry Units under Fire and Post-fire Conditions.” Fire and Materials. Access) [one of the top downloaded articles]


J(95). Kangaraj B., Anand N., Pravenn B., Kanasami S., Lubloy E., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Physical characteristics and mechanical properties of a sustainable lightweight geopolymer based self-compacting concrete with expanded clay aggregates.” Developments in the Built Environment Access)

J(94). Raj R., Arulraj G., Anand N., Kangaraj B., Lubloy E., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Nanomaterials in Geopolymer Composites: A Review.” Developments in the Built Environment. Access)

J(93). Balamurali K., Anand N., Jerry R., Raj R., Andrushia D. Lubloy E., Naser M.Z. (2023). “Influence of protective coating on flexural behaviour of high strength self-compacting geopolymer concrete beams exposed to standard fire temperature”. Case Studies in Construction Materials Access)

J(92). Vijaya P., Anand N., Balamurali K., Tattukolla K., Lubloy E., Naser M.Z., Arumairaj P., Andrushia D. (2023). “Investigation on residual bond strength and microstructure characteristics of fiber-reinforced geopolymer concrete at elevated temperature”. Case Studies in Construction Materials Access)

J(91). Mathews M., Kiran T., Anand N., Lubloy E., Naser M.Z., Aruraj P. (2022). “Effect of protective coating on axial resistance and residual capacity of self-compacting concrete columns exposed to standard fire.” Engineering Structures. Access)


J(90). Andrushia A., Anand N., Neebha T., Naser M.Z., Lubloy E. (2022). “Autonomous detection of concrete damage under fire conditions.” Automation in Construction Access)

J(89).  Naser M.Z. (2022). “A Faculty’s Perspective on Infusing Artificial Intelligence into Civil Engineering Education.” ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Education.[Pre-print draft]

J(88).  Saleh E, Tarawneh A., Naser M.Z. (2022). “Failure mode classification and deformability evaluation for concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars.” Composite Structures.[Pre-print draft]

J(87).  ÇiftçioÄŸlu A., Naser M.Z. (2022). “Hiding in Plain Sight: What Can Interpretable Unsupervised Machine Learning and Clustering Analysis Tell Us About the Fire Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns?.” Structures.[Pre-print draft]

J(86). Hostetter H., Naser M.Z. (2022). “Characterizing disability in fire evacuation: A progressive review”. Journal of Building Engineering.[Pre-print draft]


J(85). Saleh E., Tarawneh A., Abedi M., Naser M.Z., Almasabha, G. (2021). “You Only Design Once (YODO): Gaussian Process-Batch Bayesian Optimization framework for Mixture Design of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete”. Construction and Building Materials.[Pre-print draft] [Code] [Database]

J(84). Naser M.Z., Ross B. (2022). “An opinion piece on the dos and don’ts of artificial intelligence in civil engineering and charting a path from data-driven analysis to causal knowledge discovery.” Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems. [Pre-print draft]

J(83). Hawileh R.A., Mhanna H., Al Rashid A, Abdalla J., Naser M.Z. (2022). “Flexural behavior of RC beams externally bonded with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates.” Engineering Structures.

J(82). Naser M.Z. (2022). “Demystifying Ten Big Ideas and Rules Every Fire Scientist & Engineer Should Know About Blackbox, Whitebox and Causal Artificial Intelligence.” Fire Technology. (Open Access)

J(81). Naser M.Z. (2022). “Deriving mapping functions to tie anthropometric measurements to body mass index via interpretable machine learning”. Machine Learning with Applications. Access)


J(80). Guzman-Torres J., Naser M.Z., Domínguez-Mota F. (2022). “Effective medium crack classification on laboratory concrete specimens via competitive machine learning”. Structures.

J(79). Daware A., Naser M.Z., Karaki G. (2022). “Generalized Temperature-dependent Material Models for Masonry Using Fire Tests, Statistical Methods and Artificial Intelligence.” Architecture, Structures and Construction.. (Open Access)

J(78). Naser M.Z., Kodur, V.K.R. (2022). “Explainable Machine Learning using Real, Synthetic and Augmented Fire Tests to Predict Fire Resistance and Spalling of RC Columns.” Engineering Structures. [Pre-print draft]

J(77). Vahabi H., Naser M.Z., Saeb M. (2022). “Fire Protection and Materials Flammability Control by Artificial Intelligence.” Fire Technology. Access)

J(76). McFarland D., Ross B., Naser M.Z., Teuffel P., Blok R. (2021). “Evaluation of Physical Parameters and Building Demolition or Adaptation Outcomes in the Netherlands.” Architecture, Structures and Construction. Access)


J(75). Zhou H., Li, S., Zhang C., Naser M.Z. (2021). “Modeling fire performance of externally prestressed steel–concrete composite beams.” Steel and Composite Structures. [Pre-print draft]

J(74). Naser M.Z., Alavi A. (2021). “Error Metrics and Performance Fitness Indicators for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering and Sciences.” Architecture, Structures and Construction. [Pre-print draft] (Open Access) One of the most downloaded articles in Architecture, Structures and Construction in 2022.

J(73). Degtyarev V., Naser M.Z.  (2021). “Boosting machines for predicting shear strength of CFS channels with staggered web perforations.” Structures.

J(72). Abedi M.Naser M.Z. (2021). “RAI: Rapid, Autonomous and Intelligent Machine Learning Approach to Identify
Fire-vulnerable Bridges.” Applied Soft Computing[Pre-print draft][RAI v1 as a Software/App]

J(71). Naser M.Z. (2021). “Mapping Functions: A Physics-guided, Data-driven and Algorithm-agnostic Machine Learning Approach to Discover Causal and Descriptive Expressions of Engineering Phenomena.” Measurement[Pre-print draft]


J(70). Zarringola R., Thai, T., Naser M.Z. (2021). “Application of machine learning models for designing CFCFST columns.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research.

J(69). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R., Thai H, Hawileh R, Abdalla J, Degtyarev V. (2021). “StructuresNet and FireNet: Benchmarking Databases and Machine Learning Algorithms in Structural and Fire Engineering Domains.” Journal of Building Engineering.[Pre-print draft]

J(68). Naser M.Z. (2021). “An Engineer’s Guide to eXplainable Artificial Intelligence and Interpretable Machine Learning: Navigating Causality, Forced Goodness, and the False Perception of Inference.” Automation in Construction.[Pre-print draft]

J(67). Naser M.Z., Thavarajah P. (2021). “Ceramic tiles as sustainable, functional and insulating materials to mitigate fire damage.” Advances in Applied Ceramics.[Pre-print draft]

J(66). Daware A., Naser M.Z., (2021). “Fire Performance of Masonry under Various Testing Methods.” Construction and Building Materials.[Pre-print draft]


J(65). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2021). “Fire Hazard in Transportation Infrastructure: Review, Assessment and Mitigation Strategies.” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering.

J(64). Naser M.Z., Salehi, H. (2020). “Machine Learning-Driven Assessment of Fire-Induced Concrete Spalling of Columns.” ACI Materials Journal. [Pre-print draft]

J(63). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A. (2021). “Modeling Strategies of Finite Element Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP: A Review.” Journal of Composite Science. [Pre-print draft] (Open Access)

J(62). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2021). “Classifying Bridges for the Risk of Fire Hazard via Competitive Machine Learning.” Advances in Bridge Engineering. [Pre-print draft] (Open Access)

J(61). Naser M.Z. (2021). “Mechanistically Informed Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Fire Engineering and Sciences.” Fire Technology. [Pre-print draft] Selected for Editor’s Choice [link] as well as Fire Science Reviews [link]


J(60). Naser M.Z.  (2020). “Machine Learning Assessment of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened and Reinforced Concrete Members.” ACI Structural Journal [Pre-print draft]

J(59). Naser M.Z.  (2021). Observational Analysis of Fire-induced Spalling through Data Science and Machine Learning. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering [Pre-print draft]

J(58). Naser M.Z., Thai S., Thai T. (2021). “Evaluating Structural Response of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Columns through Machine Learning.” Journal of Building Engineering [Pre-print draft]

J(57). Solmirzaei R., Salehi H., Kodur V., Naser M.Z. , (2020). “Machine learning framework for predicting failure mode and shear capacity of ultra high performance concrete beams.” Engineering Structures. Vol. 224,

J(56). Naser M.Z.  (2020). “Enabling cognitive and autonomous infrastructure in extreme events through computer vision.” Innovative Infrastructure Solutions[Pre-print draft]


J(55). Naser M.Z. , Kodur V.K.R. (2020). “Temperature-induced Moment-Shear Interaction in Steel Beams.” International Journal of Steel Structures[Pre-print draft]

J(54). Mansouri I., Mortazavi S., Awoyera P., Naser M.Z.  (2020). “Implementation of new elements and materials in OpenSees software for fire engineering.” Structures. Vol. 20.

J(53). Mhanna H., Hawileh R.A., Abuzaid, W., Naser M.Z. , Abdalla J.A. (2020). “Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) FRP Laminates.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 32,[Pre-print draft] (Open Access)
J(52). Naser M.Z.  (2020). “Autonomous Fire Resistance Evaluation.” Journal of Structural Engineering – ASCE. Vol. 146. [Pre-print draft]

J(51). Kodur V.K.R., Venkatachari S., Naser M.Z. (2020). “Egress Parameters Influencing Emergency Evacuation in High-rise Buildings”. Fire Technology


J(50). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. (2020). “Concepts and applications for integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV\'s) in disaster management.” Advances in Computational Design. Vol. 5, pp. 91-109.[Pre-print draft]

J(49). Naser M.Z., Uppala V. (2020). “Properties and Material Models for Construction Materials Post Exposure to Elevated Temperatures.” Mechanics of Materials. 103293, DOI:[Pre-print draft]

J(48). Naser M.Z. (2019). “Can past failures help identify vulnerable bridges to extreme events? A biomimetical machine learning approach.” Engineering With Computers[Pre-print draft]

J(47). Seitllari A., Naser M.Z. (2019). “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Predict Fire-induced Explosive Spalling in Concrete.” Computers and Concrete. Vol. 24, [Pre-print draft]

J(46). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A. (2019). “State-of-the-Art Review on the use of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites in Civil Constructions.” Engineering Structures. Vol. 198, 109542. [Pre-print draft] On the list of most cited articles in Engineering Structures since 2019.


J(45). Naser M.Z.(2019). “Heuristic machine cognition to predict fire-induced spalling and fire resistance of concrete structures.” Automation in Construction.[Pre-print draft]
J(44). Kodur V.K.R., Bhatt P.P., Naser M.Z.(2019). “High Temperature Properties of Fiber Reinforced Polymers and Fire Insulation for Fire Resistance Modeling of Strengthened Concrete Structures.” Composites Part B. Vol. 173, 107104.[Pre-print draft]

J(43). Naser M.Z., Seitllari A. (2019). “Concrete under fire: an assessment through intelligent pattern recognition.” Engineering with Computers.  pp. 1-14. [Pre-print draft]

J(42). Naser M.Z. (2019). “Extraterrestrial Construction Materials.” Progress in Materials Science. Vol. 105, 100577.[Pre-print draft] Ranked 1st out of 439 journals in General Materials Science with Impact Factor = 48.16.
J(41). Hawileh R.A., Musto H.A., Abdalla J.A., Naser M.Z. (2019). “Finite element modeling of reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened in flexure with side-bonded FRP laminates.” Composites: Part B. Vol. 173, 106952. [Pre-print draft]


J(40). Naser M.Z. (2019). “Properties and Material Models for Common Construction Materials at Elevated Temperatures.” Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 215, pp. 192-206.[Pre-print draft]  

J(39). Naser M.Z., (2019). “AI-based cognitive framework for evaluating response of concrete structures in extreme conditions.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 81, pp. 437-449.[Pre-print draft]

J(38). Naser M.Z., (2019). “Fire resistance evaluation through artificial intelligence - A case for timber structures.” Fire Safety Journal. Vol. 150, pp. 1-18.[Pre-print draft] On the list of most cited articles in Fire Safety Journal.
J(37). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2019). “Designing Steel Bridges for Fire Safety.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Vol. 156, pp. 46-53. [Pre-print draft]

J(36). Naser M.Z., Degtyareva N.V. (2019). “Temperature-induced instability in Cold-formed Steel Beams with Slotted Webs.” Journal of Thin-Walled Structures. Vol. 136, pp. 333-352. [Pre-print draft]


J(35). Naser M.Z. (2019). “Properties and Material Models for Modern Construction Materials at Elevated Temperatures.” Computational Material Sciences. Vol. 155, pp. 264-273. [Pre-print draft]       

J(34). Naser M.Z. (2019). “Autonomous and resilient infrastructure with cognitive and self-deployable load-bearing structural components.” Automation in Construction. Vol. 99, pp. 59-67.[Pre-print draft]  

J(33). Naser M.Z. (2019). “Space-native Construction Materials for Earth-independent and Sustainable Infrastructure.” Acta Astronautica. Vol. 155, pp. 264-273.[Pre-print draft] (First paper at Clemson University)
J(32). Naser M.Z. (2018). “Deriving Temperature-dependent Material Models for Structural Steel using Artificial Intelligence.” Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 191C, pp. 56-68.[Pre-print draft]  
Naser M.Z., Chehab A.I. (2018). “Materials and Design Concepts for Space-Resilient Structures.” Progress in Aerospace Sciences. Vol. 98, pp. 74-90.[Pre-print draft
Ranked 1st out of 106 journals in Aerospace Engineering


J(30). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A. (2018). “Predicting the Response of Continuous RC Deep Beams under Varying Levels of Differential Settlement.” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering.
J(29). Naser M.Z.Kodur V.K.R. (2018). “Cognitive Infrastructure - A Modern Concept for Resilient Performance under Extreme Events.” Journal of Automation in Construction. Vol. 90, pp. 253–264.[Pre-print draft]

J(28). Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A., Naser M.Z. (2018). “Modeling the Shear Strength of Concrete Beams Reinforced with CFRP Bars under Unsymmetrical Loading.” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. Vol. 26, pp. 1290-1297. [Pre-print draft]

J(27). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2017). “Designing Steel Bridges Against Fire Hazard.” Civil Engineering Research Journal.

J(26). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2018). “Approach for shear capacity evaluation of fire exposed steel and composite beams.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Vol. 141, pp. 91–103. [Pre-print draft]


J(25). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. (2017). “Response of Fire Exposed Composite Girders under Dominant Flexural and Shear Loading.” Journal of Structural Fire Engineering. [Pre-print draft]

J(24). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. (2017). “Effect of Local Instability on Fire Response of Steel Beams.” PSU Research Review: An international Journal. Vol. 1, pp. 170-179. [Pre-print draftAwarded “Highly Commended in the 2018 Emerald Literati Awards”

J(23). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. (2017). “Comparative Fire Behavior of Composite Girders under Flexural and Shear Loading.” Journal of Thin-Walled Structures. [Pre-print draft​]

J(22). Kodur V.K.R., Aziz E.M., Naser M.Z. (2017). “Strategies for Enhancing Fire Performance of Steel Bridges.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 131, pp. 446–458. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(21). Zhou H., Kodur V.K.R., Nie H., Wang Y., Naser M.Z. (2017). “Behavior of Prestressed Stayed Steel Columns under Fire Conditions.” International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 17, pp. 1–9. [Pre-print draft​​]


J(20). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. (2016). “Factors Governing onset of Local Instabilities in Fire Exposed Steel Beams.” Journal of Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 98, pp. 48-57. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(19). Wang Y., Kodur V.K.R., Fu C., Liu C., Zhou H., Naser M.Z. (2021). “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Joints after Exposure to Fire.” ACI structural journal, Vol. 118, pp. 3-14. doi: 10.14359/51731586.

J(18). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. (2015). “A Probabilistic Assessment for Classification of Bridges Against Fire Hazard.” Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 76, pp. 65–73. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(17). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2015). “Effect of Local Instability on Capacity of Steel Beams Exposed to Fire.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 111, pp. 31-42. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(16). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A., Rasheed H.A. (2014). “Performance of RC T-Beams Externally Strengthened with CFRP Laminates under Elevated Temperatures.” Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 1-24. [Pre-print draft​​]


J(15). Sakar G., Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Abdalla J.A., Tanarslan M. (2014). “Nonlinear Behavior of Shear Deficient RC Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted Glass Fiber Reinforcement under Cyclic Loading.” Materials and Design, Vol. 61, pp. 16–25. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(14). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2014). “Effect of Shear on Fire Response of Steel Beams.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 97, pp. 48-58. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(13). Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A., Naser M.Z., Tanarslan M. (2014). “Finite Element Modeling of Shear Deficient RC Beams Strengthened with NSM CFRP Rods under Cyclic Loading.” ACI Special Publications: Modeling of FRP Strengthening Techniques in Concrete Infrastructure

J(12). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A., Rasheed H.A. (2014). “Modeling Fire Response of RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP Laminates.” ACI Special Publications: Modeling of FRP Strengthening Techniques in Concrete Infrastructure.

J(11). Atom M., Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z. (2013). “Investigation on Concrete Compressive Strength Mixed with Sand Contaminated by Crude Oil Products.” Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 47, October 2013, pp.99–103. [Pre-print draft​​]


J(10). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. (2013). “Importance Factor for Design of Bridges Against Fire.”  Engineering Structures, Vol. 54, pp. 207-220. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(09). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Abdalla J.A. (2013). “Finite Element Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Beams Externally Strengthened with Short-Length CFRP Plates.” Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 45, pp. 1722-1730. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(08). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., Pakala P., Varma A. (2013). “Modeling the Response of Composite Beam-Slab Assemblies Exposed to Fire.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 80, pp. 163–173. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(07). Naser M.Z., Abu Lebdeh G., Hawileh R.A. (2012). “Analysis of RC T-Beams Strengthened with CFRP Plates under Fire Loading using Artificial Neural Networks." Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 37, pp. 301–309. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(06). Hawileh R.A., El-Maaddawy T.A., Naser M.Z. (2012). “Non-linear Finite Element Modeling of Concrete Deep Beams with Openings Strengthened with Externally-Bonded Composites.” Materials and Design, Vol. 42, pp. 378–387. 


J(05). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z. (2012). “Thermal-Stress Analysis of RC Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 2135–2142. [Pre-print draft​​]

J(04). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A., Al-Tamimi A. (2012). “Bond Behavior of CFRP Cured Laminates: Experimental and Numerical Investigation.” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, ASME, Vol. 134, (9 pages).

J(03). Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A., Tanarslan M., Naser M.Z. (2011) “Modeling of Nonlinear Cyclic Response of Shear-Deficient RC T-beams Strengthened with Side Bonded CFRP Fabric Strips.” Computers and Concrete, An Int'l Journal, Vol. 8, pp. 193-206.

J(02). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Rasheed H.A. (2011). “Thermal-Stress Finite Element Analysis of CFRP Strengthened Concrete Beam Exposed to Top Surface Fire Loading.” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 18, pp. 172-180. [Pre-print draft​​​]

J(01). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Zaidan, W., Rasheed H.A. (2009). “Modeling of Insulated CFRP-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete T-beam Exposed to Fire.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 31, pp. 3072-3079. [Pre-print draft​​​]


Refereed Journal Articles (under preparation)           

Please contact me for more information.


Refereed Conference Proceedings 

C(34). Khodadadi N., Naser M.Z, Caso F., Nanni A., “Artificial Intelligence Model for Fire Resistance of FRP-Strengthened Beams,” The Composites and Advanced Material Expo. Orlando, FL. (2024).

C(33). Naser M.Z., “The Burning Search for Causality and Knowledge Discovery: Beyond Fire Tests and Explainable Artificial Intelligence,” The 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF 2022), Hong Kong, (2022). [Pre-print draft​​​]

C(32). Tapeh A., Al-Bashiti M., Ghasemi A., Hostetter H., Craig D., Naser M.Z., “A Nomogram for Predicting Fire-induced Spalling,” The 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF 2022), Hong Kong, (2022). [Pre-print draft​​​]
C(31). Al-Bashiti M., Ghasemi A., Tapeh A., Hostetter H., Craig D., Naser M.Z., “On the Premise of A New Theory for Fire-Induced Spalling of Concrete through eXplainable Artificial Intelligence,” The 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF 2022), Hong Kong, (2022). [Pre-print draft​​​]

C(30). ÇiftçioÄŸlu A, Naser M.Z., “Fire Resistance Analysis through Synthetic Fire Tests,” International conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology (SEMIT 2022), Ankara, Turkey, (2022).

C(29). ÇiftçioÄŸlu A, Naser M.Z., “Unsupervised Machine Learning for Fire Resistance Analysis,” International conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology (SEMIT 2022), Ankara, Turkey, (2022).

C(28). Naser M.Z., Thavarajah, P., Arachchi, K., “Statistical models for ceramic tile high-temperature physical property changes for fire and heat safety,” Qualicer 2022, Castello, Spain, (2022).

C(27). Naser M.Z., Thavarajah, “Fire and smoke test methods for interior building finishing materials: are they sufficient to evaluate modern building materials?” Qualicer 2022, Castello, Spain, (2022).

C(26). Naser M.Z., Thavarajah, P., Arachchi, K., “Ceramic Tiles as Sustainable, Functional And Insulating Materials To Mitigate Fire Damage,” Qualicer 2022, Castello, Spain, (2022).


C(25). Naser M.Z., Hostetter H., Daware A.Craig D.“AI Modelling & Mapping Functions: A Cognitive, Physics-guided, Simulation-Free and Instantaneous Approach to Fire Evaluation.” SiF 2020 – The 11th International Conference on Structures in Fire, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 30th November - 2nd December, 2020.

C(24). Naser M.Z., Chen Q. “Extraterrestrial Constructions in Lunar and Martian Environments.” ASCE 17th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments. April 19–23, 2021. [Pre-print draft​​​]

C(23). Naser M.Z. “The Role of Computational Intelligence in Realizing Modern and Autonomous Fire Evaluation Methods.” ASCE Structures Congress, St. Louis, MO, USA, April 5-8, 2020.

C(22). Venkatachari S., Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. “Stability of Braced Frame Structure under Standard and Design Fire Exposure, November 13-16, 2019, Jeju, Korea.

C(21). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. “Designing Steel Bridges for Fire Safety.”, 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, Washington, D.C. Submitted.


C(20). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. "Innovative Strategies for Overcoming Fire Hazard in Critical Transportation Infrastructure.",PROTECT2015 – Sixth International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, Guangzhou, China, December 14-16, 2017. Submitted. (Keynote presentation).

C(19). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. “Strategies for mitigating fire hazards in transportation infrastructure.” IFireSS 2017 – 2nd International Fire Safety Symposium, Naples, Italy, June 7-9, 2017. (Keynote presentation).

C(18). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. “Strategies for Enhancing Fire Resistance and Resiliency of Modern Concrete Structures.” ACI Spring Convention, Detroit, MI, USA, March 29, 2017. (Keynote presentation).

C(17). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z. “Modeling the Fire Response of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP bars”, 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 24 – 26 August 2016.

C(16). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. “Comparative Behavior of Fire-Exposed Composite Girders Subjected to Flexural and Shear Loading”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Structures in Fire, Princeton, USA, pp. 719-726, 2016.


C(15). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., Aziz, E.M. “Strategies for Enhancing Fire Performance of Steel Bridges.” Fifth International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, East Lansing, MI, USA, June 28-30, 2015.

C(14). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. “FE Modeling of the Fire Response of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Submitted to: PROTECT2015 - Fifth International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, East Lansing, MI, USA, June 28-30, 2015 pp. 1-8, 2015. (Abstract). 

C(13). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. “An Importance Factor for Classification of Bridges for Mitigating Fire Hazard.” Structures Congress, ASCE, 2015.

C(12). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., “Effect of Shear on Stability of Steel Girders under Fire Conditions." Proceedings of the annual Stability Conference Structural Stability Research Council. Toronto, Canada, March 25-28, 2014

C(11). Naser M.Z., Kodur V.K.R. “Classification of Bridges for Mitigating Fire hazard.” 8th International Conference on Structures in Fire SiF'14 in Shanghai, China in June 2014.


C(10). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. “Development of Importance Factor for Design of Steel Bridges Against Fire Hazard.” 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures, November 7-9, 2013, Jeju, Korea.

C(09). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Malhas F. “Finite Element Modeling of Punching Shear in Two-Way Slabs Reinforced with High-Strength Steel.” ASCE Structures Congress, 2-5 May 2013, Pittsburgh, Pa. (pp. 1650-1661)

C(08). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. “An Approach for Evaluating Vulnerability of Bridges Against Fire Hazard” Proceedings: Application of Structural Fire Engineering, pp. 108-113, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.

C(07). Naser M.Z., Hawileh R.A., Rasheed H.A. “FE Modeling of RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP Laminates and Subjected to Fire Loading.” ACI 2011 Fall Convention, Cincinnati, OH.

C(06). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Abdalla J.A. “FE Simulation of RC Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded Short-Length CFRP Plates.” The 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM\'11+ Congress), Seoul, South Korea, September 18- 23, 2011.


C(05). Hawileh R.A., Tanarslan M., Naser M.Z., Abdalla J.A. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Performance of Shear Deficient RC Beams Strengthened with NSM GFRP Reinforcement Under Cyclic Loading.” 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2011, Corfu, Greece, 25–28 May 2011.

C(04). Hawileh R.A., El-Maaddawy T., Naser M.Z. “Non-linear FE Analysis of RC Deep Beams with Openings Strengthened with CFRP Composites”, 1st Middle East conference on smart monitoring, assessment and rehabilitation of civil structures (SMAR 2011), Feb. 8-10, Dubai, UAE, 2011.

C(03). Naser M.Z. Hawileh R.A., Abdalla J.A., Al Tamimi A. “Finite Element Modeling of CFRP Plate Bonded to Concrete Surfaces.” Proceedings of the 4th IMS International Conference on: Application of Traditional and High Performance Materials in Harsh Environments, March 2010, Sharjah, UAE.

C(02). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Rasheed H.A. “3D Finite Element Model to Simulate CFRP Strengthened RC Beams in Fire.” The first International Conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures, 24 – 27 May 2009, Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea.

C(01). Hawileh R.A., Naser M.Z., Al-Amri A., Rasheed H.A. “3D Finite Element Simulation of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Strengthened with Insulated CFRP and Subjected to under Fire Loading.” Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO'09), January 2009, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah UAE.



B(06). Naser M.Z., Machine Learning for Civil & Environmental Engineers: A Practical Approach to Data-driven Analysis, Explainability, and Causality. Wiley. 2023.

[ISBN (hardcopy): 978-1-119-89760-6] [ISBN (ebook): 978-1-119-89761-3] [Wiley] [Amazon


B(05). Naser M.Z. (Editor), Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Informed Decision Making for Civil InfrastructureElsevier. [ISBN: 978-0-128-24073-1] [Elsevier[Amazon] [Preface]

B(04). Naser M.Z. (Editor), Leveraging Artificial Intelligence into Engineering, Management, and Safety of Infrastructure. Taylor & Francis/CRC. 2023. [ISBN: 978-0-367-42210-3] [CRC] [Amazon

B(03). Naser M.Z., Corbett G. (Editors)Handbook of Cognitive and Autonomous Systems for Fire Resilient Infrastructures. Springer. 2022. [ISBN-13: 978-3-030-98684-1] [ISBN-13: 978-3-030-98685-8 eBook] [] [Springer] [Amazon] [Preface]

B(02).  Naser M.Z., Mueller K. (Editors)The Concrete Industry in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, American Concrete Institute (ACI), 2021. ISBN-13: 978-1-64195-162-3. [flyer] [ACI]

B(01).  Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., Structural Fire Engineering, McGraw-Hill Publication, 2020. [ISBN: 9781260128581] [ISBN (10-DIGIT): 126012858X] [Amazon].


Book Chapters

BC(10).  Guzmán-Torres, J.A., Domínguez-Mota, F.J., Tinoco-Guerrero G., Román-Gutierrez R. Arias-Rojas H., Naser M.Z., "Explainable computational intelligence method to evaluate the damage on concrete surfaces compared to traditional visual inspection techniques," Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure. 2023. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-824073-1

BC(09).  Zarringol M., Naser M.Z., "Explainable machine learning model for prediction of axial capacity of strengthened CFST columns," Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure. 2023. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-824073-1

BC(08). Naser M.Z., Redmond L., Chen Q., Rangaraju P. “Habitats for Space Exploration: Construction Materials, Design Concepts, and Future Directions,” The Planning and Execution of Human Missions to the Moon and Mars. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.. 2023. ISBN: 978-1-62410-654-5.

BC(07). Gernay T, Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., Imani R., Bisby, L. “Chapter 6: Structural Fire Engineering”, Structural Fire Engineering Handbook, Springer, 2021. 

BC(06). Naser M.Z., Zhou, H. “Chapter 11: Machine Learning to Derive Unified Material Models for Steel under Fire Conditions,” Intelligent Data Analytics for Decision-Support Systems in Hazard Mitigation. Springer. 2021. ISBN: 978-981-15-5771-2.


BC(05). Naser M.Z. “Chapter 10: Systematic Integration of Artificial Intelligence Towards Evaluating Response of Materials and Structures in Extreme Conditions,” Intelligent Data Analytics for Decision-Support Systems in Hazard Mitigation. Springer. 2021. ISBN: 978-981-15-5771-2.

BC(04). Naser M.Z., Chehab, A. “Chapter 14: Polymers in space exploration and commercialization,” Polymer Science and Innovative Applications: Materials, Techniques, and Future Developments. Elsevier, 2020.

BC(03). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., Chapter 27: Structural Fire Engineering. Structural Engineering Handbook, Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2020.

BC(02). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z., and Bhatt, P. “Emerging Construction Materials for Energy Infrastructure”, Energy Engineering, 113-122, Springer Singapore, 2017. [Proceedings: International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, (CAETS) - 2015 Convocation on “Pathways to Sustainability: Energy, Mobility and Healthcare Engineering”, Springer, New Delhi Oct 13-14, 2015]. (

BC(01).  Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. "Comparative fire performance of composite beam-slab assemblies casted with plain and steel fiber reinforced concrete", Commemorative publication on the occasion of Prof. Peter Schaumann's 60th birthday, University of Hannover, Germany, 2014.



D. PhD Dissertation: “Response of Steel and Composite Beams Subjected to Combined Shear and Fire Loading”, Michigan State University, US, 2016.
D.. M.Sc.  Thesis: “Behaviour of RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP Laminates under Fire – 
A Finite Element Simulation
”, American University of Sharjah, UAE, 2009.


Standards/design manuals

SDM (04). ACI Rational Design Document. Coming soon!

SDM (03). Kodur V.K.R., Naser M.Z. NEx RD23.06 (24) State of the Art: Fire Performance of Concrete with FRP Reinforcement. American Concrete Institute. 2024. ISBN: 9781963958027.
SDM (02). Specification for Fire Resistance of Precast and Prestressed Concrete, 2nd Edition (PCI124-23). ISBN 979-8-9881395-1-5. [Link].

SDM (01). No. 108. Performance-based fire design of concrete structures report (ISBN 978-2-88394-169-4, 2023). [Link].



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